We Put your Website on First Page Google (Top Ten) Organic Search

D.A.P Search Engine Optimisation

  • Our SEO methods work for ALL businesses on ALL search engines

  • Guaranteed Top Ten Google - Or No Premium Payable

  • This is NOT pay per click Ads. The premium for each phrase is only £1 per month! (payable only when your site is in the top ten) regardless of how many prospective customers click on your site. The more the better! It's a No Brainer

  • Free (No Obligation) Google Analysis to determine the search volumes and key phrases that are actually searched on Google (relating to your business) each month in your area.

  • Then the most searched relevant key phrases are the ones that we target (with your agreement) and place your site in the top 10 on Google.

  • This works on all search engines but we charge you £1 premiums for Google only.

Dean Parkin : MD
NCC Qualified Systems Analyst/Designer & Programmer

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copyright © 2004-2025 D.A.P Web Site Design | SEO Search Engine Optimisation of East London Essex Herts and East London UK England | Site by D.A.P Web Design client sitemap national


Many Website Optimisation companies focus their attention on Content Optimisation and include Pay Per Click (Expensive Google Adverts) in your campaign instead of producing First Page (Top Ten) results in the Google Organic Search for you.

At D.A.P the focus is on achieving First Page Google Organic search results for your website. We DO achieve this for our clients (and at low cost) as you can see if you click on the examples link and view live clients current Google positions.

We also analyse the keywords on Google first to ensure that we target only high volume Key phrases that are relevant to your business thus generating maximum opportunity for turning the exposure into business for you.

  • This is NOT pay per click Ads. The premium for each phrase is only £1 per month! (payable only when your site is in the top ten) regardless of how many prospective customers click on your site. The more the better! It's a No Brainer

  • Guaranteed Top Ten Google - Or No Premium Payable

  • Free Google Analysis to determine the search volumes and key phrases that are actually searched on Google each month in your area.

  • Then the most searched relevant key phrases are the ones that we target (with your agreement) and place your site in the top 10 on Google.

  • Our SEO methods work for all businesses on all Search Engines but we charge the £1 premiums for Google only.

Every Business/Trade can benefit from this procedure.

Buiders, Landscape Gardeners, High Street Shops, Dentists, Carpenters, Driving Instructors Etc Etc Etc



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Search Engine Optimisation

Guaranteed Top Ten Google - Or No Premium Payable

Free Google Analysis to determine the search volumes and key phrases that are actually searched on Google each month in your area. Then the most searched relevant key phrases are the ones that we target (with your agreement) and place your site in the top 10 on Google.

Our SEO methods work for all businesses on all Search Engines but we charge the £1 premiums for Google only.

Website Hosting &
Domain Registration

If you need to register a domain and/or need a website hosted at your new domain we can register your domain and host your site
for you.

website Design & Build

If you need a website designed and developed we can do this for you

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